Tuesday, January 18, 2005

aT home again

hey... another daY of rottin at home
haha... watch tv... eat... slp.. do hw
wat a boring day!!!
actuali goin to chinatowN wit michelle
but dun feel like goin out... sleepy!
waNa sleep...lolx

yeaH... tml my new study desK comin le...
deN can study inside my rooM...
siaN... commoN test comin!!!
still rmb last time... haiz there's alwis sumone
who'll motivates mi... tt persOn is gone^ out of my life!
kkz... dun wana tink so mucH le... it's alreadi the past.

todaY got the soccer maTch... indo vs s'pore!!!
haha... hope s'pore will win wor.
end here first le... got to eat le!

========piggyzz======== oinK oink!

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