Monday, February 7, 2005

i'M pissed!!!

i'm freakin pissed!!! arH... arH....!!!!!!!
oMg... the first ting i hear when i wake up is those screaMings fr suM one
I'm daMn irritatEd n frustrated.. tt toopiD persoN alreadi gavE mi attitude for 2 days
wat the hell??? i've done nth wroNg!!!
but i nid to tolerate his screamings n commenTs
i hate theM!!! arH.... can't stand him
get losT la u!!! bloody...
caN't u stoP for a while
u ruiNed my day
i'm not feeLing gd at aLL coz of every ting u said
pls stoP commentiN n compariNg mi wit my idiot cousin
she's a bitcH!!! i'm not... r u blind or not observant enuFf
wake up la!!!
c now he's screaMing at my bro agAin * shOO* off u go!!!
commenting at every ting... hey u!!! u're Nothing kkz
reaLi waNa use tt F word!!!
waNa screaM at u too n tell u tt u're such a nuisaNce
makin so much noise eaRly in the morning!!!
i'm reali being v kind for not using tt word coz i still show sum respect to U
juz duN act as if u're right in doin all the tings
waNa get out of the hse asap!!!
dUn ever mess wiT mi... i do watever i like
dun nid u to interfere!!!

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