Tuesday, January 9, 2007

ntu talk

da ntu talk was indeed a fruitful one and i wanted so much to further my studies after graduating fr poly. actually it's not how much i wanted to do so but it is a must to continue studying coz haivng just a diploma ain't enough and it seems like everyone is striving hard to get into uni. but getting into one ain't easy too..students who attended the talk are mostly top students fr the respective polys and there's a whole lot of them. wat's worse is that most of them are opting fer either the bachelor of accountancy or bachelor of business and these are the only two degrees in the school of business. and not forgetting the JC students coz they stand higher chances of getting in. see.. it's reali difficult to get into uni unless u've got excellent results.

haha.. guess i'll leave all the tinking and considering after iap ends as there's plenty of time.

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